
i watched Taeguki today and i just can’t not blog about it. i think it’s the best Korean movie i’ve ever seen. Won Bin and Jang Dong-gun are brilliant actors. uh huh it’s Won Bin from Autumn in My Heart. shocks. even from the first minutes of the film tears were already flowing. haha!

it’s a great movie. thanks to gikgik who recommended it to me.

i made a little research and found out that this film was release on Feb.5, 2004. shocks. 4 years ago. how could i miss it? aw! the same year that Windstruck and My Little Bride was released. and just a day before my birthday. oh well. at least i’ve seen it now. and i’ve read somewhere that the girl in the movie Lee Eun Joo committed suicide. how sad.

i promised myself that i’m going to finish this post at 2:00 so just ask Mr. Google for more info because i’m running out of time. hehe’s about 2 brothers who unintentionally found themselves in the battlefield during the Korean War. the story starts in the present then comes back to 1950’s. it’s a great story i promise.  woah i got to go.. babye! watch it! 😉
