it’s been too long since my last blog post. i’m so lazy. i hate that i always say i’ll do this and that and i end up not doing anything. errrrr.. i’m beginning to really really hate planning.. i enjoy making plans of what to do, but when unexpected circumstances arrive, i can’t follow my plans anymore and i end up disappointing myself… or somebody else.. i just hate it.

i’m pretty active in twitter because it’s for lazy person like me. hahaha! who are too lazy to write a blog post.. so if you want to follow me there, go and hit the follow button.. but expect a lot of pretty random rants of how my day went.. or spazz tweets about my favorite kpop artists..

hmmm.. til here for now.. i hope i’ll get the courage to write again.. or better yet, i hope i’ll overcome my laziness so i can write decent posts again.. haha!
